The Beatle’s second feature film, “Help!”, on DVD. This 1965 musical comedy, directed by Richard Lester, showcases the Fab Four – John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr – in a rollicking adventure filled with music, mirth, and madcap antics. Presented in full color and boasting Dolby Digital Stereo sound, this DVD brings the Beatles’ cinematic escapade to life with unparalleled clarity and vibrancy.
- Genre: Indie & Art House, Comedy, Music Video & Concerts, Musicals & Performing Arts
- Format: DVD, Color, Full Screen, Dolby, NTSC
- Contributors: The Beatles (John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr), Leo McKern
- Language: English with Spanish and French language tracks; trilingual subtitles
- Release Details: Released by MPI Home Video on 11/12/1997. Original theatrical release date: 08/25/1965.
- Run Time: 1 hour and 38 minutes
- Special Features: From what I read as this has never been opened: Includes the original theatrical trailer, two newsreels, silent footage of the film set and world premiere, still photos
- Described as a semi-spoof of James Bond movies, “Help!” is a delightful journey from the Bahamas to an Austrian ski resort, filled with surreal humor and classic Beatles tunes like “Ticket to Ride” and “You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away.”This DVD version comes from a fully restored print made from the film’s original color negative, ensuring the best possible picture quality, superior to previous laserdisc versions. Fans of The Beatles and newcomers alike will be captivated by the film’s inventive music videos, its dedication to Elias Howe (inventor of the sewing machine), and its overall swinging-’60s vibe that’s akin to an Alice in Wonderland experience.